2015年“铿锵20”文娱晚会 “20th Musical Virtuosity” Annual School Concert 2015

2015年6月27日,本校合唱团参与了 “铿锵20” 文娱晚会。蓦然回首,恒毅国民型华文中学合唱团不断自我鞭策寻求突破,多少次艰辛的求索,多少次噙泪的跌倒与爬起,让合唱团在梦想的舞台,随着时光的匆匆流逝茁壮成长,期望能在艺术殿堂里化茧成蝶,炫彩飞舞。20年的岁月告诉我们,只有奋勇前进的动力,才能发出更响亮的律韵,让梦想的花朵妖艳美丽,艳压群芳。

On the 27th of June 2015, Heng Ee High School Choir participated in the 20th annual school concert, named “20th Musical Virtuosity”. The school annual concert provides a stage for choir members to showcase their talents. It is also the stage for students to shine, to develop and to chase their dreams. In the span of 20 years, Heng Ee High School Choir has not looked back. We hold onto dreams and aspirations and rise to challenges to acquire success. With each passing year, we have grown from strength to strength and have indeed blossomed into a beautiful butterfly.



Lee Hong Yap presented a solo performance with the song 《等待》, which depicted the anxious mood of painful waiting.



Heng Ee High School Choir presented a medley of songs from “Les Miserables”.


《悲惨世界》演唱组曲一共由7首歌曲组成,分别是《At the End of the Day》、《I Dreamed a Dream》、《Castle on the Cloud》、《On My Own》、《Do You Hear the People Sing》、《Bring Him Home》以及《Finale》。

“Les Miserables” is a medley of songs comprising of “At the End of the Day”, “I Dreamed a Dream”, “Castle on the Cloud”, “On My Own”, “Do You Hear the People Sing”, “Bring Him Home” and “Finale”.



Teo Jing Yi sang a song in memory of Madam Lim Chye Luan, who was one of the teacher advisers of the school choir.


合唱团团员以无伴奏方式呈献歌手Jason M’raz成名曲《I’m Yours》。

The choir acapella group entertained the audience with ‘I’m Yours’ by Jason M’raz.



The melodious tune of the acapella group had truly enraptured the heart of the audience.



To wrap up the evening’s performances, the school choir proudly presented “Mo Li Hua” and “Frozen”.



The choir members concluded that night’s concert with a melodious euphony.

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