



《Hela Rotan》🍃


“Bamboo Forest of Legacy” 🎋, our 27th school annual concert was held on May 10th and 11th 2024, where the choir members have performed two melodious songs🎶:


This is a folk song of the Xinjiang Uyghur, filled with bright rhythm and melody. It also expresses how precious youth is and people longing for it 💭.

“Hela Rotan”🍃

This is a folk song from Maluku, Indonesia that combines the color of Indonesian folk songs and the spirit of national unity💪🏻. This song depicts the story of a traditional tug-of-war competition of the ancient Maru people, expressing the spirit of concerted efforts. This is a song with fast rhythm and joyful harmony🎶.

此外,本团也呈现了三项精彩纷呈的小组表演🎶,分别是由男生小组表演的《欢乐的那达慕》🛖,女生小组表演的《Bring Me Little Water,Silvy》💧以及二重唱《Duet For Two Cats》🐱。



《Bring Me Little Water,Silvy 》💧


《Duet For Two Cats》🐱

这是一首著名的二重唱🎶,由著名的意大利作曲家焦阿基诺·罗西尼(Gioachino Rossini)创作📝。这首二重唱独具特色,以模仿猫叫声的“喵喵”声为主🐱,通过不同的音调与节奏,生动地表现出猫咪之间的互动与交流💬。

Additionally, our members have three pieces 🎶, namely “欢乐的那达慕” 🛖 performed by the boy’s group, “Bring Me Little Water, Silvy” 💧 performed by the girl’s group, and also a duet “Duet For Two Cats”🐱.


This is a song full of vibrant colours🎶, portraying how the traditional Mongolian festival was being celebrated. Through the cheerful melody and bright rhythm, this song vividly depicts the festive scene of Nadamu Festival 🎊 and the Mongolian arena 🐎. Not only expressing the love and inheritance of traditional culture❤️‍🔥, but also reflects the Mongolian people’s awe of nature 🫡 and the yearning for a better life 🫶🏻.

“Bring Me Little Water, Silvy”💧

This is a traditional folk song from the United States🎶. It features a simple yet touching melody. This song depicts how calm and comfortable life can be, living with one’s partner🏡, filled with endless warmth 🫂 and love💗

“Duet For Two Cats”🐱

This is a famous duet🎶, written by the famous Italian composer Gioachino Rossini📝. It is unique, mainly imitating the “meow” sound of cats 🐱through different tones and rhythms where it vividly shows the interaction and communication between cats 💬.


While rehearsing for these performances, our members have put in countless efforts💪🏻and worked tirelessly to rehearse, to bring a great show on stage ❤️‍🔥 As performers, we sincerely hope that these performances have captivated the audiences, leaving them with great memories to cherish 💭.

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在2024年3月12日,本团进行了一年一度的新生面试日。其面试是为了选出有歌唱能力及潜能的学生们,并让他们在中学生涯中发挥这项技能👣。On March 12 ,2024, Our club held the annual new members audition to select students with singing ability and potential . This allow them to develop singing skills during their high school life👣.

After passing the first round of interviews, the seniors will take them to the music room to prepare for the audition session. Therefore, the freshmen completed the audition under the leadership of the choir’s head coach, teacher Lee Xiao Yun, and selected the appropriate number of people to enter the appropriate vocal audition. In the department, the freshmen who passed the audition watched the performance videos of previous years in the classroom. The committee members of the choir introduced the work of the committee members and the rules of the choir to the freshmen.


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“Our choir held its annual general meeting on September 23, 2023 🗓🎶.We would like to express our gratitude to the teachers who took time out of their busy schedules to attend and to all the choir members who were present. Thanks to your support, we were able to conclude our annual meeting successfully 🥳.We sincerely thank the 2022/2023 committee members for their continuous dedication 🫶🏻. We couldn’t have made it this far without your ongoing hard work and commitment. We are incredibly grateful for your support, which led us to achieving greater heights on this musical journey 🤩. We look forward to continuing our journey together in the future, and creating more beautiful musical memories 🎶🥰.”



“To our lovely 06‘s🫶🏻:

Time has flown by, and once again, we find ourselves in this season of farewells. You are about to embark on a new chapter in life, leaving the campus🏫, leaving the choir🎶, but you leave behind countless beautiful and joyful memories that will forever be etched in our hearts❤️.We believe that you will continue to shine brightly 🔥 in your future journeys, sparkling in your respective fields ✨, holding onto your dreams, and marching forward with determination. May you excel in the upcoming exams and achieve outstanding results 💯. Wherever you may be, the choir will always welcome you back with open arms 🥰. We wish for your future path to be filled with hope and radiance, and for everything to go smoothly. A bright future awaits 🎓❤️‍🔥!”

Video 指路👉https://drive.google.com/file/d/19HJeJCR-gigZFm-Elx1ZGU4VedPNgldI/view?usp=drivesdk


“SMJK Heng Ee High School Choir‘s 2023/2024 Annual General Meeting successfully concludes🥳‼️.In the new year, a new chapter unfolds. We hope the new committee members will continue to lead the choir to new heights, striving for even greater musical goals 🎶📈. At the same time, we hope they will inherit the past glories and infuse new innovation and creativity, keeping the passion and love for the choir alive❤️‍🔥.With the guidance of the new committee members, we aspire to see the choir achieve even more brilliance and continue to shine brightly, reaching new heights 🔥.”

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在过去的9月8日与9月9日里,本校举办了题为《绽光如萤》的文娱晚会。本团呈现了一系列精彩节目,其中包括有趣的《Aladdin Medley》。所有这些精彩节目都是由教练和团员们精心策划和编导而成。团员们成功地将《阿拉丁》的故事完美演绎,也让即将毕业的中五团员们留下了美好而难忘的回忆🫶On September 8th and 9th, our school held the “Glowing Fireflies” cultural and entertainment evening. Heng Ee Choir presented a series of wonderful performances, including “Aladdin Medley”. All these fantastic programs were planned and directed by coaches and our members. They successfully portrayed the story of “Aladdin” and allowed the graduating Form 5 members to leave behind beautiful and unforgettable memories🫶

此外,本团也表演了两首充满希望的歌,《Carry The Light》和《From Dawn To Night Fall》这两首曲子鼓励着大家在生活中发挥积极影响,为自己也为他人带来光芒,成为点亮周遭的那个希望✨Additionally, our group performed two hopeful songs, “Carry The Light” and “From Dawn To Night Fall”. These songs encourage everyone to have a positive impact in their lives, bringing light to themselves and others, becoming the beacon of hope that illuminates their surroundings✨

所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”为了呈现出精彩且深入人心的表演,团员们为这次的表演付出了许多精力和时间。本团希望这次的表演可以让观众们留下深刻的记忆🥰The saying “One minute on stage, ten years off stage” holds true. To deliver a spectacular and memorable performance, members put in lots of effort and time. We hope that this performance will leave a lasting impression to the audience🥰

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Asia Pacific Youth Choir交流会

本团有幸和Asia Pacific Youth Choir的团员们于7月19日进行了一场交流会,以音会友,互相学习,摩擦出新的火花✨这场交流会,不仅见证了新的友谊的诞生,更是让团员们获益良多,在声乐及合唱的道路上迈出一大步。感谢APYC的团员们,这份回忆和经验是独一无二的,希望恒中合唱团的团员们能够珍惜,并从中学习🎶

Our group was fortunate enough to have an exchange meeting with members of the Asia Pacific Youth Choir on July 19th, where we made friends through music, learned from each other, and created new sparks.✨This exchange meeting not only witnessed the birth of new friendships, but also benefited the members a lot and took a big step on the road of vocal music and chorus. Thanks to the members of APYC, this memory and experience is unique. Hope that members of HengEe Choir can cherish it and learn from it🎶

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在过去的4月15日,本团举办了2023华语歌曲独唱暨合唱比赛🎶其目的是为了培养学生歌唱兴趣,提高音乐水准及推广健康文娱活动。他们在台上一展歌喉 让评审和观众们沉醉其中🥳

In April 15, Heng Ee Choir held the 2023 Chinese Song Solo and Chorus Competition🎶. Its purpose is to cultivate students’ interest in singing, improve music standards and promote healthy recreational activities. They sang on stage and mesmerized the judges and audience🥳


In addition, the group would like to thank Goh Ting Yao, Goh Yi Xuan and Tony Chong as judges😻. Thanks also to the committee members who participated in this competition for their cooperation and help.🥰

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