Archive for May, 2022

2022年 中一新生面试日 2022 Form 1 Interview Day


On 9 April 2022, Heng Ee Choir and other performing art clubs organize an annual interview day. This interview day is to identify students with singing and performing abilities and develop their talents throughout their secondary school.


Form 1 students are waiting in class for interview session.


Students who passed the first round interview session will forward to music room. All students are led by the coach, Teacher Lee Xiao Yun and assistant coach, seniorhow Hong Wei, who will personally select suitable candidates and assign them to suitable voice parts.

通过试音环节的新生们在课室里观看本校合唱团历年来的表演及活动影片。 合唱团的委员们则向新生们介绍委员的工作及合唱团的规则。

Students who passed the audition session watched the performances and activity videos of Heng Ee Choir over the years in the classroom. AJK choir introduced their job and the rules of choir.


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