2015年第二届马来西亚国际艺术节 2nd Malaysia International Music Arts Festival 2015


Heng Ee High School Choir participated in the 2nd International Music Arts Festival 2015 which was held at Genting Highlands, Malaysia from the 30th of November 2015 till the 4th of December 2015. In the competition, the members of the school choir has made the school proud by winning Gold with Honour Award in the Mixed Voice Category and Silver Award in the Equal Voice Category.



The school choir had received sincere and warm greetings from senior member Leong Wei Seng.



Heng Ee High School Choir members were practising for the competition.




The school choir had been working on training for the competition under the guidance of our coach, Ms. Lee Xiao Yun.



The choir members benifited greatly from the masterclass.



Heng Ee High School Choir (Team A) was the Top Scorer for the choir category and was given the opportunity to perform on stage during the closing ceremony.


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