2019年«约定25•音系荟情»合唱音乐会 “The Promise” Choir Concert 2019


On July 6th 2019, Heng Ee High School Choir presented our second concert entitled “The Promise” in Dewan Budaya University Sains Malaysia. This is the second timeour Heng Ee Choir has held a concert. This time we will present a new and different performance to everyone.

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This is our four ceremonies that night.

Image may contain: 53 people, including Pei Xian Goh, Evonne Tan and Ah Jun, people smiling, people standing


The Choir members’ heart were connected together as one, projecting out their voices and filling the whole concert hall with harmonious sound.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, on stage, standing and indoor


The vice-president is enjoying singing a song , his voice is so magnificent!

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Evonne Tan Wei Ni get excellent results in all singing competitions. She sing with her great voice , and let the audience listen intently.

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Sandra Choo Qiao Rou sang a great song with confidently.

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Mr. Chow Hong Wei, our assistant coach presented with our heng ee choir alumni sang a magnificent song.

Image may contain: 1 person, playing a musical instrument, sitting and night


We are fortunate enough to invite Vincent to play the piano performance. The performance was really amazing!

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This is our ex-president. She sang wonderfully and her voice is as the sound of nature!

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing and night

Image may contain: 5 people, people standing, people on stage and people dancing

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing


The Form 5 students performed two modern song with sing and dance.

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Look who’s here – our beloved ex-members of Heng Ee Choir back to see us again!

Image may contain: 3 people, including Rui Qiang and Ze Teng, people smiling, crowd and indoor


Ex-members and current members reunite once again.

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“The Promise” was a success! The performance of the choir members once again shocked the audience. We will continue to work hard to spread our wings and fly to achieve greater success in the future.

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第13届槟州歌乐节大汇演 Music Festival 2019


Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling

本校合唱团代表,陈蔚妮同学代表领取感谢状,并于其他表演代表拍张大合照,以作纪念。Representatives of the Heng Ee Choir, Evonne Tan Wei Ni received a certificate of  appreciation and took a group photo with other representatives to commemorate.

当天表演的歌曲包括《四海》和《十八姑娘》。The songs we performed that day are ” Si Hai ” and ” Shi Ba Gu Niang “.

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2019年度槟州儿童暨少年华语文艺歌曲歌唱大赛 2019 Penang Children’s and Junior Chinese Language Songs Contest

2019年8月11及12日,本校合唱团参与了由槟城新江校友会快乐小天使合唱团举办的2019年度槟州儿童暨少年华语文艺歌曲歌唱大赛。此外,本校合唱团也有幸协助主办当局完成比赛。On August 11 and 12, 2019, the school choir participated in the 2019 Penang Children’s and Junior Chinese Language Songs Contest held by the Happy Little Angels Choir . In addition, the school choir is also fortunate to assist the host authorities to complete the competition.

此次的歌唱比赛,我们十分荣幸能请到周扬平老师,刘国耀老师及黄涵曦老师担任评审。In this singing competition, we are very honored to have Mr. Zhou Yang Ping, Mr. Liu Guo Yao and Mrs. Huang Han Xi as judges.

家长们在观看孩子们的比赛时,也不忘拿起手机记录下这珍贵的时刻。The parents took the video of their child singing while watching the competition.

司仪和计分小组各司其职,一边计算着参赛者们的获得的分数,一边向报到处确认参赛者们有没有缺席。The emcees and the scoring team performed well on their duties. Some of them were counting the latest result while the emcees were confirming the attendance of the participants from the registration counter.

参赛者们拼尽全力,用最美的歌声换取评审们的肯定,以获得进入决赛的机会。The participants did their best to get the judges’ affirmation to get the chance to enter the finals.

决赛在爱心大厦七时三十分正式开始。当天的决赛也公开售票给与大众。The finals was help at Caring Society Complex at 7:30 p.m. The tickets were sold to the public too.

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2019年太极基本拳比赛 2019 Tai Chi Competition

2019年6月22日本校合唱团举办了一场太极基本拳比赛,以考验团员们在太极活动的成果。 In 22th June of 2019, the Heng Ee Choir had organised a Tai Chi competition to test the results of the member after learning Tai Chi for a year.

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2019年”一念初心”文娱晚会 2019 School Annual School Concert

2019年6月13及14日,本校合唱团参加了又家教协会主办的”一念初心”文娱晚会。 In 13th and 14th of June of 2019,  the Heng Ee Choir had participated the School Annual Concert held by the PIBG.

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2019年新加坡初级学院合唱团交流会 2019 Seminar with National Junior College Choir Club

2019年6月1日,本校合唱团与来自新加坡的国家初级学院合唱团进行了一场令人难忘的交流会。In 1st of June 2019, Our School Choir Club had a memorable seminar with the National Junior College Choir.

白队的团员们以两首歌曲《Karimatanu Kuicha》 和《思乡》作为交流曲目。The White Team member had presented two songs, “Karimatanu Kuicha” and “思乡”.

团员们在NJCC合唱团的教练指导下学习如何正确的发声。The conductor of NJCC is teaching the members about ways of singing.

交流会在双方团员共同演唱《The Music Always There》下圆满结束。   The seminar ended happily with the song “The Music Always There” sang by all of the choir members.

交流会结束后,我们拍了一张大合照以资纪念。                                               After the seminar, we took a group photo as memory

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